Journal papers
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies / ELSEVIER
First and corresponding author
Impact factor: 4.7 in 2022 (Rank 19th/103 in WATER RESOURCES)
The Landscape Ecological View of Vertebrate Species Richness in Urban Areas across Biogeographic Realms
Scientific Reports / Nature Portfolio
First and corresponding author
Impact factor: 4.6 in 2022 (Rank 22th/73 in MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES)
Ecological Informatics / ELSEVIER
Co- author
Impact factor: 5.1 in 2022 (Rank 27th/169 in Ecology)
Journal of Environmental Psychology / ELSEVIER
Co- author
Impact factor: 6.9 in 2022 (Rank 21th/127 in Environmental studies)
Landscape and Ecological Engineering / Springer
First author
Impact factor: 2.0 in 2022 (Rank 29th/64 in Biodiversity Conservation)
Spatial optimisation of a built environment for synergy between wildlife conservation and urban development
Environment and Planning B-Urban Analytics and City Science / SAGE under review /2023
First and corresponding author
Impact factor: 3.511 in 2021 ( Rank 31th/86 in Geography; Rank 19th/43 in Urban Studies )
Landscape and Urban Planning / ELSEVIER 01/24/2018
First and corresponding author
Impact factor: 6.142 in 2020 (Rank 3rd/72 in Urban Studies; Rank 6th/160 in Geography)
Developing a conjunctive use optimization model for allocating surface and subsurfacewater in an off-stream artificial lake system.
Biological Conservation / ELSEVIER 08/2018
factor: 5.990 in 2020(Rank 6th/64 in n Biodiversity Conservation; Rank 23th/176 in Ecology; Rank 32th/302 in Environmental Sciences)
/ MDPI 07/26/2016
Co- author
factor: 3.103 in 2020 (Rank 57th/120 in Water Resources)
Environments / MDPI 05/29/2015
Co- author
Sustainability / MDPI 12/09/2014
First author
factor:3.251 in 2020 ( Rank 160th/302 in Environmental Sciences )
Environmental Modelling & Software/ELSEVIER
Corresponding author
factor: 5.288 in 2020 ( Rank 37th/142 in Computer Science, Interdisciplinary
Applications; Rank 47th/302 in Environmental Sciences)
Journal of Environmental Management/ELSEVIER 04/12/2014
First author
Impact factor: 6.789 in 2020 (Rank 35th/302 in Environmental Sciences)
Applying Genetic Algorithm and Neural
Network to the Conjunctive Use of Surface and Subsurface Water.
Water Resources Management/Springer 2013
Impact factor: 3.517 in 2020 (Rank 24th/120 in Water Resources)
A system dynamic model and sensitivity
analysis for simulating domestic pollution removal in a free water surface
constructed wetland.
Water Air & Soil Pollution/Springer 2012
Impact factor: 2.520 in 2020 ( Rank 162th/302 in Environmental Sciences )
Monitoring and estimating the flow conditions and fish occurrence probability under various flow conditions at reach scale using Genetic algorithms and Kriging methods.
Ecological Modeling/ ELSEVIER 2011
Impact factor: 2.974 in 2020 (Rank 68th/176 in Ecology)
Modeling the Hydrologic Effect of Dynamic Land Use Change using a Distributed Hydrologic Model and a Spatial Land-use Allocation Model.
Hydrological Processes/Wiley 2010
Impact factor: 3.565 in 2020 (Rank 19th/120 in Water Resources)