About Me

黃浚瑋  Chun-Wei Huang 
Associate Professor
General Education Center, Ming-Chi University of Technology
84 Gungjuan Rd., Taishan Dist., New Taipei City 24301, Taiwan
chun-wei.huang@aya.yale.edu | cwhuang@mail.mcut.edu.tw

I am interested in groundwater conservation, landscape ecology, systematic conservation planning, and land governance related to biodiversity conservation. My expertise consists of artificial intelligence, deep learning, GeoAI, ecological/environmental modeling, and spatial optimization. I am currently working on deep learning-based computer vision technologies for environmental and ecological planning and management.

 Deep learning-based computer vision & unregulated pumping well detection (NSTC project MOST 110-2321-B-003-001 - )
Enormous unregulated pumping wells increase the risk of groundwater depletion and environmental disasters, such as land subsidence. However, it remains a great challenge to investigate numerous unregulated wells to manage and model groundwater aquifers. To improve the capacity of groundwater governance, we map and locate private wells using deep learning technologies. We trained and validated convolutional neural networks (CNNs), using Google Street View images. We applied the CNNs to a land subsidence area along the Taiwan high-speed rail, termed the Golden Corridor in Taiwan. The results showed that CNNs can recognize pumping wells with at least 90% accuracy. The testing cases showed their capability to recall all the pumping wells in three road segments along the Golden Corridor. Given the prevalence of unknown private pumping in the Choushui River Fan, our image data-driven computer vision approach not only eases labor-intensive private well investigations but also advances hydrologic understanding for groundwater modeling. We enhance comprehension of unknown sinks and provide their spatial distribution to improve groundwater modeling.

The role of land governance in conserving biodiversity (Visiting postdoc project at Yale):
In this project, our focus is on the global influence of urban expansion on biodiversity loss and how weak governance may shape the urban expansion that affects biological conservation.The effects of urban land expansion on places with high conservation value will depend largely on the ability of national and sub-national governments to make policies that can effectively manage and shape urban growth. Our study indicates that if predicted urban expansion continues, by 2030, more than two-thirds of all species impacted by urban expansion will occur in countries with low levels of political stability or regulatory quality. Land-use planning cannot be the sole solution for preventing urban-caused global biodiversity decline, but rather that different categories of countries need contrasting conservation strategies. Countries that have high potential biodiversity impact and low land governance capacity require short-term conservation strategies which facilitate public participation, as well as international aid and development to increase governance capacity. Furthermore, enhanced coordination across different decision-making levels is important so that strategies at a single scale do not counterbalance efforts at other levels.

Biodiversity impact due to urbanization overlapped with land governance represented by the WGIs (Hunag et al., 2018). Countries in red will face to integrated impact by low level of  land governance and high level of urban expansion on biodiversity areas.

Systematic conservation planning & Ecological modeling:
I am interested in how to design a suitable landscape structure for conservation purposes. I developed a spatial optimization-based land-use allocation model, termed Dynamically Dimensioned Search Landscape Optimization Planning model (DDSLOP), which can effectively deliver optimized landscape designs for conserving bird species by promoting their habitat suitability. Furthermore, the multi-objective DDSLOP was applied to advance the guidelines of landscape design by taking the trade-off between suitability indices of species and human habitat into consideration. As such, the study can help identify the potential of synergic use of land resources for urban development and biological conservation. 




National Taiwan University                                                                                                                                                Taipei, Taiwan
Bioenvironmental Systems Engineering in Major                                                                                                09/2010 - 06/2015
Ph. D.
Relevant Coursework: Landscape Ecology/ Systematic Conservation Planning/ Land-use Change Modeling/ Heuristic Algorithms/ Spatial Optimization Methods/ Spatial Conservation Prioritization

National Chiao Tung University                                                                                                                               Hsinchu, Taiwan
Master of Civil Engineering in Major                                                                                                                     09/2003 - 07/2005
(Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering Program)
Relevant Coursework: Water Resource Management/ Groundwater Flow Modeling/ Data Mining/ Artificial Neural Network/ Environmental Hydrogeology/ Open Channel Flow/ Genetic Algorithms

Work and Leadership Experience

Center for GIS, RCHSS, Academia Sinica                                                                                                TaipeiTaiwan
Visiting Scholar (訪問學人)/ Center for GIS          6/2024 – 9/2024

Ming Chi University of Technology                                                                                                    TaipeiTaiwan
Associate Professor/General Education Center          2/2024 
– now
·   Applying Deep Learning and Borehole Drill-core Images for Hydrogeological Exploration (II)NSTC 112-2625-M-131-001 - (08/2023-7/2024).

Ming Chi University of Technology                                                                                                      TaipeiTaiwan
Assistant Professor/General Education Center / Center for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science         8/2019 – 1/2024

·   Applying Deep Learning and Borehole Drill-core Images for Hydrogeological Exploration, NSTC 111-2625-M-131-001 - (2022)
·   Applying Deep Learning Technologies and Street View Images for Recognizing Pumping Wells and Cultivation Types in Land Subsidence Areas. Ministry of Science and Technology, MOST 110-2321-B-003-001 - (2021)
·     Developing Landscape Planning Strategies for Mitigating Global Urbanization Based on Deep Learning (II), Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan. MOST 107-2410-H-131 -003 -MY3 (2020).
·     Developing Landscape Planning Strategies for Mitigating Global Urbanization Based on Deep Learning (III), Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan. MOST 107-2410-H-131 -003 -MY3 (2021).

National Taiwan University                                                                                                                 TaipeiTaiwan
Postdoctoral Research Scholar/Principal Investigator, Dept. of Geography                                                          8/2018 –  7/2019

·     Developing Landscape Planning Strategies for Mitigating Global Urbanization Based on Deep Learning (I), Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan. MOST 107-2410-H-131 -003 -MY3 (2019).

National Chiao Tung University                                                                                                  HsinchuTaiwan
Post Doctoral Researcher, Dept. of Civil Engineering                                                                                                        10/2015 –  7/2018

·      The study of adaption strategyfor groundwater disaster mitigation in Changhua and Yunlin areas         (I), Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan. MOST-104-2811-M- 009-082 (2015).
·      The study of adaption strategyfor groundwater disaster mitigation in Changhua and Yunlin areas         (II), Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan. MOST-104-2811-M- 009-082 (2016).
·      The study of adaption strategyfor groundwater disaster mitigation in Changhua and Yunlin areas         (III), Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan. MOST-104-2811-M- 009-082 (2017).

Yale University                                                                                                                                  New Haven, CT, USA
Post Doctoral Researcher, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies                                                 04/2016 – 05/2017

·      Adapting Land-use Pattern to Environmental Change on Ecosystem Services in Urban Areas: Simulation and Trade-off Analysis. Ministry of Science and Technology Overseas Project for Post Graduate Research. Taiwan and       USA. MOST-1052917I564010 (04/2016-04/2017)

Ming Chi University of Technology                                                                                      Taipei, Taiwan
Adjunct Assistant Professor ,The General Education Center                                              09/2014 – 07/2019
·      Lecturer of Biodiversity and Conservation
·      Lecturer of Ecosystem Services and Environmental Management

Sinotech Engineering Consults, Ltd.                                                                                    Taipei, Taiwan
Environmental Engineer, Environmental Engineering Dept II.                                 03/200803/2009
·      Investigating Soil and Groundwater Pollution at the Gas Stations in Taiwan (the Fourth Project), 
     2008, Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, Taiwan. EPA-96-GA12-02-A216 
     . (03/2008-03/2009)
·      Proposal, Inspection of Facilities for Preventing the Pollution of Groundwater Bodies and 
     Monitoring Equipment in Gas Stations, and Consultation on the Online Declaration System for 
     2009,  Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, Taiwan. EPA-98-GA12-03-
     A037. (2008).
·      Participation in projects:
      o   Proposal, Inspection of Facilities for Preventing the Pollution of Groundwater Bodies and
          Monitoring Equipment in Gas Stations, and Consultation on the Online Declaration System for
          2009,  Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, Taiwan. EPA-98-GA12-03-
          A037. (2008)
o   Proposal, Investigating Soil and Groundwater Pollution at the Gas Stations in Taiwan (the Fifth 
    Project), Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, Taiwan. EPA-098-GA102-
    03-A058 (2009).

Journal papers

Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies / ELSEVIER
First and corresponding author
Impact factor: 4.7 in 2022 (Rank 19th/103 in WATER RESOURCES)

The Landscape Ecological View of Vertebrate Species Richness in Urban Areas across Biogeographic Realms
Scientific Reports / Nature Portfolio
First and corresponding author
Impact factor: 4.6 in 2022 (Rank 22th/73 in MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES

Ecological Informatics / ELSEVIER
Co- author
Impact factor: 5.1 in 2022 (Rank 27th/169 in Ecology)

Journal of Environmental Psychology / ELSEVIER
Co- author
Impact factor: 6.9 in 2022 (Rank 21th/127 in Environmental studies)

Landscape and Ecological Engineering / Springer
First author
Impact factor: 2.0 in 2022 (Rank 29th/64 in Biodiversity Conservation)

Spatial optimisation of a built environment for synergy between wildlife conservation and urban development
Environment and Planning B-Urban Analytics and City Science / SAGE                                                                          under review /2023
First and corresponding author
Impact factor: 3.511 in 2021 ( Rank 31th/86 in Geography; Rank 19th/43 in Urban Studies )

Landscape and Urban Planning / ELSEVIER                                                                             01/24/2018 
First and corresponding author
Impact factor: 6.142 in 2020 (Rank 3rd/72 in Urban Studies; Rank 6th/160 in Geography)

Biological Conservation / ELSEVIER                                                                                                  08/2018 
Impact factor: 5.990 in 2020(Rank 6th/64 in n Biodiversity Conservation; Rank 23th/176 in Ecology; Rank 32th/302 in  Environmental Sciences)

Developing a conjunctive use optimization model for allocating surface and subsurfacewater in an off-stream artificial lake system.
Water / MDPI                                                                                                                                    07/26/2016 
Co- author
Impact factor: 3.103 in 2020 (Rank 57th/120 in Water Resources)

Environments / MDPI                                                                                                                      05/29/2015 
Co- author

Sustainability / MDPI                                                                                                                        12/09/2014 
First author
Impact factor:3.251 in 2020 ( Rank 160th/302 in Environmental Sciences )

Environmental Modelling & Software/ELSEVIER                                                                      07/01/2014 
Corresponding author
Impact factor: 5.288 in 2020 ( Rank 37th/142 in Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Rank 47th/302 in Environmental Sciences)

Journal of Environmental Management/ELSEVIER                                                                      04/12/2014 
First author
Impact factor: 6.789 in 2020 (Rank 35th/302 in Environmental Sciences)

Applying Genetic Algorithm and Neural Network to the Conjunctive Use of Surface and Subsurface Water.
Water Resources Management/Springer                                                                                                   2013 
Impact factor: 3.517 in 2020  (Rank 24th/120 in Water Resources)

A system dynamic model and sensitivity analysis for simulating domestic pollution removal in a free water surface constructed wetland.
Water Air & Soil Pollution/Springer                                                                                                               2012 
Impact factor: 2.520 in 2020 ( Rank 162th/302 in Environmental Sciences )

Monitoring and estimating the flow conditions and fish occurrence probability under various flow conditions at reach scale using Genetic algorithms and Kriging methods. 
Ecological Modeling/ ELSEVIER                                                                                                                   2011
Impact factor: 2.974 in 2020 (Rank 68th/176 in Ecology)

Modeling the Hydrologic Effect of Dynamic Land Use Change using a Distributed Hydrologic Model and a Spatial Land-use Allocation Model.
Hydrological Processes/Wiley                                                                                                                      2010
Impact factor: 3.565 in 2020 (Rank 19th/120 in Water Resources)



  1. 黃浚瑋、丘絲盈、鄭至傑、倪春發、張良正。民國112年。管理看不見的水─人工智慧技術於臺灣地下水治理之能力建構。臺灣水利71(2), 1-11。(2023)(EI)。
  2. 黃浚瑋、黃嘉晴、許苡蕾、劉蔧嫻、范孟雯、柯智仁。民國110年。奢華效應對臺灣都市─鄉村梯度上鳥類豐富度影響之初探。地理學報 99, 33-57 (2021) (TSSCI第一級核心期刊)。
  3. 黃浚瑋、林裕彬、丁宗蘇、王咏潔。民國102年。農業環境景觀生態保育多目標規劃-以高山農場鳥類保育為例。農工學報 60(3): 30-41。(EI)。 
  4. 張良正、陳宇文、朱宏杰、黃浚瑋。民國97年。運用遺傳演算法與類神經網路於地表地下聯合營運。農業工程學報54(2):81-93。(EI)。農業工程學報論文獎

Conference papers

  1. Huang C.-W.Yau S. Y., Huang S.-S., 2024, Applying Deep Learning for Unconsolidated Sediment Classification: An Exploratory Study. Japan GeoScience Union Meeting 2024, Tokyo.
  2. Huang C.-W.Yau S. Y., Chang L.-C., Chen H.-H., Ni C.-F., 2023, Applying Deep Learning on Borehole Drill-core Image Classification - An Exploratory Study. 20th Asia Oceania Geoscience Society. Singapore.
  3. Huang, C.-W., Si Ying Yau, Jia Qing Ooi, Meng-Wen Fan, and Jerome Chie-Jen Ko, 2021, An exploratory study of mapping breeding bird richness using deep learning technology. 2021 International Consortium of Landscape and Ecological Engineering, Taipei. Taiwan.
  4. Huang, C.-W., Yi-Lei Hsu, Hui Xian Lau, and Jerome Chie-Jen Ko, 2020, Exploring Driving Forces of Avian Diversity in a Subtropical Asian City. EGU General Assembly 2020, Vienna. Austria.
  5. Huang, C.-W., Ching-Ya Li, 2019, Adapting to Rising Flood Risk on Urbanized Landscape: The Role of Land Governance. ICEO&SI 2019. Tainan. Taiwan.
  6. Huang, C.-W., Hui-Xian Lau, 2019, Global analysis for recognizing the relationships between urban biodiversity and urban landscape patterns. American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting. DC. USA.
  7. Huang, C.-W., Chung-I Chen, 2018, Evaluating Ecosystem Services of a Campus in an Urban Area Based on Social Values.. 2018 Asia Global Land Project Conference. Taiwan. Taipei. 
  8. Lee, Y.-C., Ko, C.-Y., Lin, Y.-T., Wang, C. Y., C.-W., Huang, & Seto, K. C., 2017. A Conceptual Framework of the Human Dimensions of Urban Emission in East Asia Cities. Procedia Engineering, 198, 720-727.
  9. Huang, C.-W., Y.-P. Lin, 2014, Developing a Cell-Based Spatial Optimization Model for Land-use Patterns Planning. 2014 Asia Global Land Project Conference. Taiwan. Taipei. Suggested paper for Sustainability (Sustainability | An Open Access Journal from MDPI)
  10. Huang, C.-W., Y.-P. Lin, Huang, T., Chiang, L.-C., Hu, M.-C., 2012, Assessing the Ecosystem Services of Water Resources and Runoff Regulation in the Upstream of Highly Urbanized Area - A case study in Wutu Watershed, Taiwan. International Conference on Hydrology and Ground Water Expo. USA. SA.
  11. Huang, T., C.-W. Huang, Y.-P. Lin, 2011, Applying Ecosystem Service Assessment for Sustainable Watershed Management in Bao- Chiao Area. PAWEES 2011 international student’s conference, Taiwan. Taipei.
  12. Wang, Y.-C., Y.-P. Lin, C.-W. Huang, H.-J. Chu and W.-H. Ou, 2010, A Generalized Likelihood Sensitivity Analysis for Simulating the Water Quality of Constructed Wetlands. The 5th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (IC EST2010), U.S. Houston. Student paper Award (The American Academy of Sciences)
  13. 黃浚瑋*丘絲盈、黃聖陞(2024)。「化繁為簡:以地理人工智慧探索地下水系統中巨量且分散之民用抽水」,台灣地理資訊學會30週年慶暨2024年學術研討會,台北,臺灣。
  14. 黃浚瑋*許震璿丘絲盈陳鐶篁張良正(2023)。「應用語義分割電腦視覺模型於水文地質探勘」,2023第十五屆地下水資源及水質保護研討會,新竹,臺灣。
  15. 丘絲盈、黃浚瑋* 、李亦賢、倪春發(2022) 「應用人工智慧電腦視覺技術於私井納管之能力建構」,2022第十四屆地下水資源及水質保護研討會暨臺灣地下水資源暨水文地質學會年會,台北,臺灣。
  16. 倪春發、余化龍、蘇育生、許少華黃浚瑋 (2021) 「濁水溪沖積扇地下水環境補充調查及資料分析與應用」,2021第十三屆地下水資源及水質保護研討會暨臺灣地下水資源暨水文地質學會年會,台北,臺灣。
  17. 黃浚瑋 *、林昱昇、丘絲盈、管采榆、張良正、倪春發(2021) 「不同卷積神經網路於抽水井影像辨識能力之比較」,(2021)第十三屆地下水資源及水質保護研討會暨臺灣地下水資源暨水文地質學會年會,台北,臺灣。
  18. 黃浚瑋 *、管采榆、林昱昇、林思妤、丘絲盈、王意程、張良正(2021) 「應用卷積神經網路於農用淺層抽水井之辨識」,2021中國地理學會暨學術研討會,彰化,臺灣(線上會議)。
  19. 丘絲盈、黃浚瑋 *、黃嘉晴(2021) 「應用深度學習於都市-鄉村梯度上的鳥類多樣性變化之初探」,2021中國地理學會暨學術研討會,彰化,臺灣(線上會議)。
  20. 林思妤、黃浚瑋 *、張良正、郭巧玲、林昱昇、管采榆(2020)「深度學習於淺層抽水井空間分布調查之初探」,2020臺灣地下水資源暨水文地質學會年會及第十二屆地下水資源及水質保護研討會,基隆,台灣。
  21. 黃浚瑋* 、許苡蕾(2020)「連結景觀生態特徵與生態系服務於都市綠色空間規劃」,2020第二十四屆國土規劃論壇,臺南,台灣。
  22. 黃浚瑋*、許苡蕾、劉彗嫻(2020)「都市-鄉村梯度上的鳥類多樣性變化─景觀生態與社會經濟因子的影響」,第24屆臺灣地理國際& 2020中國地理學會 聯合學術研討會,台北,台灣。
  23. 黃浚瑋*、許苡蕾 (2019)「運用啟發式空間優化模式於生態保育及都市發展競合之研究」,2019第十二屆海峽兩岸暨港澳地區遙感與空間資訊研討會,台北,台灣 。
  24. 黃浚瑋* (2019)「全球都市化下的生態保育:淺談人工智慧方法與土地治理策略」,2019臺灣地球科學聯合學術研討會,台北,台灣。
  25. 黃浚瑋* (2019)「緩解生態保與都市發展之地景規劃策略研究」,2019第二十三屆國土規劃論壇,臺南,台灣。
  26. 黃浚瑋*、丁宗蘇 (2018)「系統性保育規劃模式於台灣鳥類生態保育之運用」,2018動物行為暨生態研討會,新竹,台灣。
  27. 黃浚瑋*、林裕彬 (2013),「建立網格式空間優化模式於都市發展與生態保育之競合研究」,臺灣地球科學聯合學術研討會,桃園,台灣。
  28. 蕭戎雯、黃浚瑋、吳承寰、江莉琦、蕭維德、林裕彬 (2013),「土地利用變遷對大屯溪流域生態系統服務變化之評估」,102年度農業工程研討會,台中。
  29. 張育啟、曾靖恩、黃浚瑋、林裕彬(2011),「系統動力溼地模式結構不確定性分析」,100年度農業工程研討會,台北。
  30. 林裕彬、朱宏杰、黃浚瑋、陳虹螢、唐嘉禧(2009),「應用分佈式水文模式於五堵集水區土地利用管理」,十八屆水利工程研討會,屏東,台灣。
  31. 黃浚瑋*、朱宏杰、林裕彬 (2009),「考量景觀指數最佳化之土地管理於五堵集水區水文量變化之研究」,98年度農業工程研討會,台中,台灣。